Tuesday 1 March 2011

First Press Release on Swan Lane featured on Insider


And interestingly, I have received one call from a telecoms company with the same name as me!  Complete coincidence... Armstrong Communications.  Show's that the Armstrongs' are pretty entrepreneurial!

My mobile is 07867 780 661 to contact me...


Monday 28 February 2011

Interesting couple of weeks

Since my last blog I have been busier than ever... Moved house, planned the office move and attended a three day workshop to be approved to adopt...

But I have not let up with my 'zero energy cost business park'.

I have organised the press release with the wonderful help of Sam Shale at NWDA.  That went out last night, so I just wonder which papers/magazines will pick that up and hopefully follow the story from now through to the first and last tenant taking space....

I have worked with Environlink to organise a meet the buyer day at Salford University.  I will also speak at that event as an 'unnofficial lauch' of the development.

I have been meeting potential suppliers of low and zero carbon technologies, to make sure what we talked about months ago are still the best items.  Where is the best location, how do the technologies gell together?

I can't wait to get a design team together and get this development built!


Thursday 27 January 2011

Armstrong Properties = zero energy cost: Armstrong Properties to create UKs first zero ener...

Armstrong Properties = zero energy cost: Armstrong Properties to create UKs first zero ener...: "Well guys, this is the official blog for our zero energy cost business park. Over the coming months, we can tell you how we started, what w..."

Armstrong Properties to create UKs first zero energy cost business park

Well guys, this is the official blog for our zero energy cost business park.

Over the coming months, we can tell you how we started, what we're doing, and how its going.  Our ultimate aim is to give occupants, our tenants one of the most sustainable buildings in the UK today.  And this means zero energy costs during their occupation!  Its a new concept, but I think it will catch on, as businesses need to for the sake of government and environmental pressure, they need to for positive PR for their organisations from clients and prospective employees and finally they need to, just to survive in the current climate... and hopefully when the climate is a little better the money saved can go towards future investment and expansion of their businesses.

What we are trying to do will revolutionise the way that developers will build, it will revolutionise the way that vacant space is marketed, it will trial new technologies as well as a few older, more established low and zero carbon technologies.

So follow our blogs.... and get in touch.....

Dave at Armstrong Properties